Matunuck Oyster Farm

by - Tuesday, June 06, 2017

I have been searching for an oyster farm tour near New York City. Matunuck Oyster Farm came up during the search. The tour is free unless you dine at its restaurant. Plus the drive took less than 3 hours long from Queens NY.

The tour was very informative and fun. The purpose of the tour is to make people aware of the aquaculture industry and where our food is coming from. The meeting place is in the Matunuck Oyster bar, the restaurant. Perry, the owner, bought the restaurant to have access and expand his shellfish farm in Potter’s Pond. Perry also owns the marina across the restaurant.

We attend the 10am tour. The tour begins with a background information about the farm and its expansion to the restaurant and marina as well as the aquaculture industry. People were very active during the Q&A session. Next, everyone board the boat to Perry’s shellfish farm. During the tour, Perry explain to use how the oysters are raised and a few participants were able to hold and observe the oyster at different ages. Luckily, I was one of those participants.

For the grand finale, Perry pull out scallop shells!


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